Social network for athletes Strava is not taking responsibility for the bike theft claim
, by raj, 1 min reading time
Recently there was a news about a cyclist Adam Jones who claimed that his 12,70,000 INR bike was stolen from his home because of the information shared on the Strava's app. He thinks that those who stole his bike could have followed cyclists with the fastest bikes on the app and then identified the routes and location of his home.Adam Jones went on to say that several of his high-performances bikes were stolen from his garage and recommended other users of the app to check their privacy settings. When queried about this claim, a spokesperson from Strava said, Strava hasnt seen any verified cases of bicycle theft related to our platform. However, we encourage all of our members to be aware of what they share on all types of social media. Our platform has a suite of tools to help control what you share, including privacy zones, which will hide the start and end points of your activity if they fall within the zone." Strava has several options to improve your privacy settings. Users can control the details of the runs or rides that they share or hide on the app. Click on the three lines at the top left-hand corner of the Feed to access the Settings Page and then navigate further to the Privacy Settings.In this section, you can choose what activities you want to share and what you want to keep private. You can also use the settings to share or hide your activities on the Challenge Leaderboards and the Public Segment. The Privacy Zones option allows you to hide the location of your home, office, regular routes, and such.
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