Samsung Bean Earbuds - Heralding a New Era in Hearables
, by raj, 1 min reading time
Samsung Bean wireless earbuds are expected to bring hearables back into fashion. Experts predicted a surge in hearables by 2021. However, that has not happened till now. Not many hearables captured the customers attention with their features and functions. Until now, only Apple AirPods have dominated the hearables space.With the launch of Samsung Bean trademark, we can hope that many other companies will start designing smart hearables. The Samsung Bean earbuds are specially designed for fitness and workouts with the option of direct into-ear coaching. The main features of this hearable are MP3 player, tracking, sensor, and fitness guide software. The sensor detects if the earbud is on or off. The tracking metrics include heart rate, calories burned, distance, time, speed, and changes in heart rates.This smart earbud not just records data, but also understands it to provide real-time feedback. With these features and functions, this Samsung hearable is almost similar to the Bragi Dash, which is no longer available in the market. We need to wait to see how the concept of Samsung Bean translates into reality.
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