Augmented Reality Headset to Prove Its Credibility On Battlefield
, by raj, 1 min reading time
The HoloLens is Microsofts take on augmented reality, which they titled as mixed reality. The latest news is that the US army will be using the product for combat missions and training. Its reliability over the past few years has gone up in many areas. Operating theatres, classrooms and factories have all benefited from the use of HoloLens.The new venture will be introduced by the US army, with the Redmond giant receiving a 3,400 crore INR contract to supply the augmented reality headset. Microsoft is yet to offer features like night vision, the ability to measure vital signs, hearing protection and monitor for signs of concussion. These are the real swords an army need. The Department of Defense has opened this contract up to non-traditional military suppliers; solidifying Microsoft in a prominent position. The company declared that the 50,000 shifted units have been in the business sector.Along with the US armys investments of potentially 100,000 devices, a huge spike is to be expected. The customized headset for the army will supposedly be launched next year. A launch date for the new Microsoft HoloLens is yet to be announced. More updates regarding the product will be published in the following months.
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