Hydration tracking with Rockley
, by Nams, 1 min reading time
With increased benefits for healthcare sector and for those looking to add extra dimensions to their wellbeing.The water concentration levels are checked via phonetic sensor, which penetrate the skin at varying depths to assess changes in collagen , lipids and water content, thereby translating hydration index , a index that ranges from severe dehydration to severe hydration. However it is still a conceptual stuff not onto commercial use yet.CEO of Rockley Photonics , Andrew Rickman claims that they are working towards tracking glucose and blood pressure non-invasively with a aim to create a holistic look.
It works towards being able to diagnose diseases by correlating a group of biomarkers then sharing the search work to ascertain particular disorders.They are also working to get FDA approval by end of 2022. These features have been already attempted by Aura via an Apple Watch strap which applied manual readings using bioimpedance. And other connected devises too use patches measure sweat and hydration.
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